Monday, February 11, 2008

Fair Trade, Chocolate

The Dec/Jan 08 issue of Mother Earth News contains a special advertising section on fair trade gifts. Since the article is classified “advertising” you probably won’t find it in the online version. However, if some smart person can find it on there, please let me know. This is on-going education, y’all. Anyway, MEN is a good place to start thinking about how we USA consumers with our relatively fat wallets, pension plans, and OSHA can help support the growing fair trade and sustainable agriculture movements. What better way to enjoy your chocolate, sugar, and vanilla than with the knowledge that you might be helping someone whose yearly gross income is about as large some 10-yr-old’s allowance. The Fair Trade Federation(FTF), according to the article, is a North American based organization of “…fair trade producers, wholesalers, and retailers whose members are fully committed to providing fair wages and good employment opportunities to economically disadvantaged artisans and farmers worldwide.” Pay people a fair wage and maybe they won’t feel forced to slash and burn the environment to clear land for more poverty- inducing ag products. (Don’t get me started on this, you may not know how I get.) Now take Legacy Chocolates for instance: I don’t even have to buy the stuff, just reading about it is enough to make me swoon! Check out some of the leaders in the fair trade markets Pachamama Coffee, World of Good and Equal Exchange. Spend money, promote well-being and empowerment! Eat chocolate, drink coffee, get happy and wiser.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Here's my first post to this fun new way to spend my time! It used to be working, working, working and really not getting anywhere. Knowing that the very definition of insanity is Doing the Same Things Over and Over and expecting new results, it's time to do something more fun and different! I'll be writing about whatever some to mind in this blog. Comments are very welcome and hoped for. I'm also using this blog to learn to use keywords and links and other exciting Internet falderal that is all new to me! I'll be talking about animals, pets, vegetarian issues, cooking, fair trade, living the good life and saving the planet from our on-going follies, plus anything else that might come up!

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Life is a cabaret